Go Pro Tips for Your Family
Easy to use and seemingly indestructible, GoPros are taking the creative world by storm – even Beyoncé used one to film this amazing music video. If you haven’t got one for the family yet, you should. Here are a few ideas for your next holiday.
Skiing Vacations – Of course, you’ll probably strap one to a helmet, and film some daredevil runs, screaming down the mountain. But if that’s all you do, frankly, it could be anyone, and in the future you’ll just have random mountain footage, like the photos of aimless palm trees my grandfather took on vacation.

So it’s important, after the double-black diamond runs, to film some ‘narrative’ content, too. In other words, take it off the helmet, and shoot your family entering the après-ski chalet, and drinking their cups of hot chocolate. Even better, start in the morning with close-ups of putting on the gear, strapping on the skis, and chatting whilst going up the lift (take the camera off the helmet for these shots, strap it around your glove, or a GoPro Pole so you don’t drop it!) and take selfie footage. Although the GoPro doesn’t have a viewfinder to center yourself in the image, if you just try your best, you’ll get pretty close.
Beach Holiday – GoPros are waterproof, so they’re fantastic for the swimming pool or the surf. I gave my kids a GoPro a couple of summers ago, and just said go have fun, and we edited the footage later. So here’s a great example of what’s possible.
Again, notice the ‘narrative’ linking shots, like getting on and off the boat, or putting on the snorkel gear. These just help to tell the story of the holiday better when we edit it for you.
The GoPro Pole – When you buy the GoPro, go ahead and buy the pole, too. It allows you to take a more adventurous selfie video.

Get Sneaky – Another great thing about the GoPro is that it’s so small; you can just keep it in your pocket and film people secretly. Often people act differently when they know they’re being filmed, so some of the best footage is captured this way.
So get your GoPro footage for your next holiday! About two hours of footage per holiday gives us the perfect amount to edit something really amazing for you.